Student athletes should be prepared for three action packed days! Each student athlete participating in the 2nd Annual Florida Suncoast Senior Showcase will be providing housing, meals, and transportation to and from the hotel and practice/game day facilities.
All student athletes under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian present at check in to have waivers signed. There will be no exceptions.
Student athletes should be prepared for three action packed days! Each student athlete participating in the 2nd Annual Florida Suncoast Senior Showcase will be providing housing, meals, and transportation to and from the hotel and practice/game day facilities.
All student athletes under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian present at check in to have waivers signed. There will be no exceptions.
Student athletes should be prepared for three action packed days! Each student athlete participating in the 2nd Annual Florida Suncoast Senior Showcase will be providing housing, meals, and transportation to and from the hotel and practice/game day facilities.
All student athletes under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian present at check in to have waivers signed. There will be no exceptions.
Student athletes should be prepared for three action packed days! Each student athlete participating in the 2nd Annual Florida Suncoast Senior Showcase will be providing housing, meals, and transportation to and from the hotel and practice/game day facilities.
All student athletes under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian present at check in to have waivers signed. There will be no exceptions.

Prospect Combines 2nd Annual Florida Suncoast Showcase
Game Day Participation Waiver
In consideration of my being permitted to participate in the Prospect Combines 3rd Annual Florida Suncoast Senior All Star Football Game (collectively, the “Tournament/Event/Activity”), wherever the Tournament/Event/Activity may occur, I hereby attest that, after reading this Sports Waiver and Permission Form completely and carefully, I acknowledge that my participation in the Tournament/Event/Activity is entirely voluntary, and I further understand and agree as follows:
ASSUMPTION OF RISK/LIABILITY RELEASE AND INDEMNITY: I understand that incidental to my participation in the Tournament/Event/Activity, I may be engaging in activities the involve the risk of serious personal injury, illness, permanent disability, dismemberment, and death, and that such participation may also involve the risk of severe economic and property loss and damage. I understand that these risks may result from the actions, negligence, and failure to act of myself and others (including but not limited to other individuals in attendance at the Tournament/Event/Activity and the released parties) and from the condition of any property, facilities or equipment used. I also understand that there may be risks involved which are not known to me or to the Released parties, and may not be foreseen or reasonably foreseeable by any of us at this time or at the time of the Tournament/Event/Activity/ I agree to assume all of the foregoing risks, which may include muscle injuries and broken bones, as well as the risk of any negligence by other participants or by the Released parties, and the risk of injury caused by the condition of any property, facilities of equipment used during the Tournament/Event/Activity, and accept personal responsibility for any injury (including but not limited to, personal injury, disability, dismemberment, or death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind or nature, that I or my property may suffer arising out of or in connection with my participation in the Tournament/Event/Activity. On my own behalf, and on behalf of my heirs, executors, administrators and next of kin, I hereby release, covenant not to sue, and forever discharge the Released parties harmless from and against any and all such Claims including, but not limited to, all attorneys’ fees and disbursements up through and including any appeal. I understand that this release and indemnity includes any Claims based on the negligence, action or inaction of any of the Released parties and covers bodily injury (including death), property damage, and loss by theft or otherwise, whether suffered by me before, during or after such participation. For the purposes hereof, the “Released Parties” are Prospect Combines, Sarasota High School, Southeast High School, and their respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated or related companies including, without limitation, the Tournament/Event/Activity host, the sponsors For any and all Prospect Combines Tournament/Event/Activity, its Board of Trustees, Directors, Supervisors; and the officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors, sub-contractors, representatives, successors, assigns, and volunteers of each of the foregoing entities.
PHYSICAL CONDITION/MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION: I hereby certify that I am physically fit for participation in the Tournament/Event/Activity, have the skill level required in conjunction with the Tournament/Event/Activity, and have not been advised otherwise, I agree that before I participate in the Tournament/Event/Activity, I will inspect all related facilities and equipment. In connection with any injury sustained or illness or medical conditions experienced during my attendance in connection with the Tournament/Event/Activity, I authorize any emergency first aid, medication, medical treatment or surgery deemed necessary by the attending medical personnel if I am not able to act on my own behalf. Additionally, I authorize medical treatment for me, at my cost, if the need arises; however, I acknowledge that the Released Parties shall have no duty, obligation or liability arising out of the provision of, or failure to provide, medical treatment.
EQUIPMENT & FACILITIES INSPECTION: I will immediately advise the Tournament/Event/Activity Director-Supervisor-Manager of any unsafe condition that I observe and will refuse to participate in the Tournament/Event/Activity until all unsafe conditions observed by me have been remedied.
PUBLICITY RIGHTS: In the event the Tournament/Event/Activity is photographed, recorded and/or videotaped, I further grant the Released Parties the right to photograph, record, and/or videotape me and further to display, edit, use and/or otherwise exploit my name, face, likeness, voice, and appearance, in all media, whether now known or hereafter devised, (including, without limitation, in computer or other device applications, online webcasts, television programming, motion pictures, films, newspapers, and magazines) and in all forms including, without limitation, digitized images or video, throughout the universe in perpetuity, whether for advertising, publicity, or promotional purposes, including, without limitation, publication of Tournament/Event/Activity result, without compensation, residual obligations, reservation or limitation, or further approval, and I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties for any claims associated with such grant and right to use. The Released Parties are, however, under no obligation to exercise any rights granted herein.
GOVERNING LAW: This Waiver and Permission Form shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida, which ever prevails, and any legal action relating to or arising out of this Waiver and Permission Form shall be commended exclusively in the Circuit Court of the 12th Judicial Court in and for Sarasota County, Florida (or if such Circuit Court shall not have jurisdiction over the subject matter thereof, then to such other court sitting in such county and having subject matter jurisdiction), and I specifically waive the right to trial by jury.